Yesterday Girl

I don’t know about you but at times I miss my yesterday girl with enough nostalgia to bring her back to life. Maybe getting on in years is bound to do that to you. Maybe approaching 40s makes you realize how much you have changed and at times the limitations those changes bring into your life. Or its probably just the fear of losing a part of you that has seen you through some dare devil moments of your life.My yesterday girl was full of life, was never afraid of changes. She embraced them like one embraces a lover. Her life was all mapped out with allowances for spontaneity. It was a time she would go on holiday without worrying whether she had enough to cover the trip and pay bills. Well, if they disconnected the power, think how romantic candlelight was going to make her nights of passion. If they disconnected the water, no problem, she could always move in with her less spontaneous siblings to cover her. As for food, all she had to do was to make sure that she had enough dates to c...