Earlier this month, 9th July to be precise I shared this note on Facebook. Time really does march on. The sun rises and sets each day effortlessly it seems, yet joy and pain require more effort to work with. Each is a little better than the last though. For that, I am grateful.

It's exactly a year later; almost to the hour when I got the news that my big brother, Chanjo was no more. I remember how the calming words of the Psalmist floated and I wrote down, "Though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil, for thou art with me, thy rod and thy staff, they comfort me" and little did I know that at that moment my brother took his last breath. I still miss him, his funny stories, his easy way of taking life in his stride, no matter what he brought his way, his endless love for his boys and dedication to each one of his siblings.

Today was made difficult because of memories and realization that you cannot turn back the hands of time. When time has passed, it has passed and whatever it brings your way you accept what you cannot change, change what you can and grow some. The pain doesnt grow and you thank God for that because when you count your blessings and walk in gratitude for the time God gave you, He ensures that your joy multiplies in the memories.

It is not an easy journey and some days the strength to get up and move is almost non-existent. So, you reach out to the gifts around you, - be it the sun, open countryside, your siblings, your children, your friends, your job - things that continue to add to your life and you give thanks and you are strengthened for the day and the next one and the next one.

I have cried this morning. My heart was heavy and then I remembered this verse that a friend shared with us in our time of grief:

Lamentations 3:31-33

For no one is cast off by God forever.

Though He brings grief,

He will show compassion,

So great is His unfailing love.

For He does not willingly bring affliction

Or grief to anyone.

And for sure, in His unfailing love, He continues to bring us the healing we need. And Chanjo continues to live in these words:

I am still here

Because you are here

I still live in each one of you;

In your smiles

In your tears

In your laughter

In your talks

In your quiet moments

I am still here

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