The Business Daily yesterday had an article that was based on self-promotion, an interesting read actually, considering I spent a weekend thinking on the subject. I guess I do fall in the category of those who believe that self-promotion is all about bragging, blowing your trumpet, something that decent human beings don't do. In my journey, I am discovering that self-promotion is important especially if you want people to get to know you. That you must tut your horn because no one else is going to actively tell the whole world about you, who you are, your achievements, your plans, your goals unless you are paying them hefty sums of money to get the PR is clearly apparent. Taking that into consideration, you will have to self promote YOU. And the beauty of it, it's free and when you do it the right way, you have 5-10people telling another 10-20 people about you. Do the maths, you are on a roll!
Self-promotion must be so subtle that your audience will have to think of it a lot later as bragging. By then, your work is done, they know who you are, they are not offended by your brag roll. On your part, you will have achieved what you set out to do. A new account. A pay rise. A leading role in a professional organization. An extension on the overdue loan repayment. A new job. The idea is to tell all your braggables without sounding condescending or making it sound like you have achieved the whole world. Self-promotion must be taken into consideration from the beginning. It's about ensuring that you are working on measurables that have deliverables, which when achieved leave you with braggables.
Self-promotion must be so subtle that your audience will have to think of it a lot later as bragging. By then, your work is done, they know who you are, they are not offended by your brag roll. On your part, you will have achieved what you set out to do. A new account. A pay rise. A leading role in a professional organization. An extension on the overdue loan repayment. A new job. The idea is to tell all your braggables without sounding condescending or making it sound like you have achieved the whole world. Self-promotion must be taken into consideration from the beginning. It's about ensuring that you are working on measurables that have deliverables, which when achieved leave you with braggables.