I should have told him. She thought again, agonizing that the opportunity had passed. Her thoughts ran amok and her own voice screamed "I love you with everything in me. From the first moment I saw you, my heart skipped the proverbial beat, it felt like for a minute there, my breathing stopped. The same happens to me when I see you now." But she hadn't spoken a word because at the same moment she was thinking of everything he had put her through, knowing that she really owed him nothing, not even the time of day. Yet, she was stuck and couldn't stop thinking that he be all that and a bag of chips. Her heart seemed to have made a decision to love only him, as imperfect as he was. She loved him because doing so completed her, made her a better, happier person. She accepted that how she felt did not necessarily have to be at par with how he felt about her. She promised herself that she would grow in this relationship, tend to it with all the tenderness it required to bring it to an independent place, where it would continue to thrive.Therefore she decided to let him know that she was no longer afraid, that she choose life, life with him in it. The distance counted for nought when the joy of seeing him was something amazingly wonderful to look forward to. He was the one. He had always been , always would be the one.